Meet Dr. Carmen
I practiced medicine in Albuquerque for 12 years, both as a Primary Care Provider and an Urgent Care Provider. After graduating with a medical degree from the University of Texas at Houston, I completed a Family Medicine residency at the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa.
Throughout my years of practicing conventional medicine, I had become increasingly concerned about the high cost and less than satisfactory results obtained from managing patients with chronic disease conventionally.
Under a managed care model, the only treatment options I had for my patients were either putting them on more prescription drugs or referring patients to specialists to get expensive invasive diagnostics tests, more specialized drugs or even surgery. Many times, after seeing the specialists, the patient would return stating that they were told that there is “nothing more that can be done”.
This was very frustrating to me as a caring physician because the health care system seemed to tie our hands. So frustrating in fact that I began a desperate search for a solution.
While researching options to help my patients regain their health and feel better, I discovered a health care model called Functional Medicine.
Simply put, Functional Medicine is a unique model of healthcare that identifies and directly addresses the underlying causes of disease by using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both the patient and practitioner in a true partnership.
As a Functional Medicine practitioner, I look closely at the myriad interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. The result is a personalized way to address these interactions and move the patient along the Illness-Wellness continuum from a disease and disability state to the very healthful end of the spectrum, experiencing optimal health and well-being.
Thanks and Take Care,
Dr. Carmen
How Functional Medicine Changes the Way We do Medicine: